
June 9 - July 11
at the Academy
Small Groups for Individualized Training and Attention
Limited amount of Small Group Block Sessions; don't delay in registering to secure your spot!
Classes will focus on building base fundamentals, strengthening & drills, flexibility, and learning/mastering tumbling skills & tricks.
Punch card classes available for vacation flexibility
Eligible Levels for participation: Prim.2-3, Juniors, Interm. & Pre-Teens/Teens
NEW Students to the Academy: Please contact the Office to determine eligibility BEFORE registering. CLICK HERE
Be sure to check out the schedule below and note the various class times.
ACRO sessions will be held after BootCamp.
To secure your spot, be sure to login to your parent portal and select your ACRO Dance Class Card.
Class tuition, based on your punch card selection, will be added to your JackRabbit Account once the ACRO sessions begin.